Imbolc: How Do I Make Brigid’s Crosses?

Folded Paper

Imbolc celebrates Brigid traditionally known as a Goddess of smithing, healing and wells. She is a Goddess of making things, and Imbolc is a time for making crafts. An example of this is Brigid’s crosses, which are hung in the home and are used for protection and blessings. They also represent the growing light of the sun. Traditionally they are made out of rushes. But what do you do if you do not have rushes! Yikes, and it is Imbolc! In the Craft and as Pagans we often use what we have. Look through your craft boxes and see what you have. Straws, pipe cleaners, raffia and paper are all craft items you can use. The method of weaving Brigid’s crosses is essentially the same no matter what material you use including rushes. There are loads of videos on YouTube that demonstrate how to weave them. Some materials are easier than others to weave. Raffia is quite doable, but it is tricky to weave in a pleasing manner. With paper you need to look at the set up. I created the paper one pictured with folded paper. You can use paper rolled around a knitting needle or skewer. You can also use flat strips of paper, which are easier to prepare than rolled or folded paper. Straws and pipe cleaners are easy-peasy to use and weave, and I recommend those materials making a Brigid’s cross for the first time. Remember that the intention that you put into the Brigid’s cross is what is most important as you weave them. Choose the material that you have and what you are most comfortable using.

Enjoy learning more about Brigid’s crosses! Also read my older post, “The Many Ways to Celebrate Imbolc.”

The moon is in its last quarter, and keep that in mind as you set your intentions on Imbolc.

Pipe Cleaners

Enjoy celebrating and have a meaningful Imbolc!

Auburn Greene


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